This is where experience and legacy changes the outcome for the client. Tracey will essentially safely be clearing manipulations, distortions, ancestral and societal programs, in a sacred space without judgement. For many, chaos and confusion arises from the voice of the soul not being honoured. On a very practical and conventional level, when the soul is not honoured our existence is weighed heavily upon by capitalism and consumerism. These sessions bring restoration. This hope, intelligence and sustainable resource is soul and spirituality.
This spirituality is not abstract. This service supports real self-love, sanity, applied intelligence, balanced awareness, healthier family and community relationships, trauma and emotional clearing. For all, these times are chaos. We must reset more powerfully. As survival intensifies a new level of intelligence is called upon. This is not easy, and we may not know what this is or looks like. We have no choice. This is where you may be traumatised, terrorised and hijacked and need help. Truth seeking is no longer helpful. Who and what is right and wrong is no longer helpful. It is no longer about debate on conspiracy or science.
Let your own compass of intelligence and resource be reset so you can realistically up-level and recalibrate.
These 50 minute sessions will analyse and recalibrate complex energy field systems, energy meridians and gateways, to remove stress, trauma and energy blocks that can not be released alone.
These sessions are essential for re-grounding and re-earthing your newly recalibrated centre of power. your centre of power is re-activated and re-balanced in these sessions. This is essential work for those who require advanced assistance with overwhelming stress and trauma.
These sesssions offer advanced transformation and protocols that materialise the medicine for your clear request of healing.
You may be experiencing unhealthy relationship challenges, abusive professional or family trauma. you may be experiencing negative psychic influences or adverse entities. You may be experiencing crisis healing agendas of health, finance or love. These sessions are designed to fully support you in advanced revolutionary healing, whatever your greatest challenge is.
These sessions offer specialised clearing and advanced resolutions of the subconscious. Here Tracey transforms unresolved subconscious trauma wounds, the silent and often hidden agony. Trauma can materialise in an unseen and debilitating wounded psychology, depression, self-destruction and a lack of self-love. Tracey offers advanced professional healing and spiritual services that acknowledge, transform and heal complex subconscious trauma and wounds which prevent life from being lived and loved in the greatest joy and intelligence. These are advanced sessions that will carefully analyse, transform and restore your life quality and journey, activating your soul journey and deeply clearing trauma and wounds. These advanced healing sessions assist debilitating complex and unexplainable healing crises of physical, psychological and emotional levels. Tracey will resolve unsafe gateways to secure stability, balance and regeneration.
Imagine an oracle who reads your soul path, reads your timelines accurately and accesses your dreams of a sovereign existence. Individuals seek the vision of an oracle when the path is less travelled. The individual may face challenges, initiation, chaos, sorrow and fear. an oracle will locate the magic and power of your soul, your unacknowledged human intelligence, your potential and existence. An oracle of this calibre will read your soul, detailing the mission of your life, work, and signature of incarnation. Tracey will access and initiate your mission, your most innovative soul journeys that sacredly call you into a profound existence whether your focus is love, service to family and community, leadership, or creating impossible dreams. Tracey will identify your current life situation. present practical analysis with logic and detail that will initiate new gateways of time.
Tracey’s specialisms include sacred contracts, genius initiation, ethical spirituality foundations, quantum field initiation, programs and systems purification and innovation, advanced intelligence, advanced quantum field integration and metaphysics sciences.
We are very pleased to be working together with renowned spiritual teacher and timekeeper Tracey Ash.
Our soul and energy systems are currently overworked, overstretched, distracted in fear by existing and new agendas post covid-19. This new era is an unknown path. This is the current healing and spiritual crisis.
We may be experiencing severe energy and life force loss, unexplained exhaustion, loss of spiritual connection, loss of hope, disorientation, nightmares, shadow gateways, negative psychic manipulations and influences, heart shutdown, physical shutdown, an inability to easily recalibrate or regenerate, unexplained emotional trauma, shadow and wound triggers.
Tracey Ash resolves many complex and impossible agendas of healing.
This is of course a limited list of examples. Other agendas include, severe karmic contracts, experiencing horrendous inequality, pain and suffering, severe emotional, psychological and physical symptoms and illnesses. As well as, severe trauma, abuse and stress from life experiences.
Tracey Ash’s History
Tracey's first legacy is 24 years of global service and an international career to humanity, spirituality and evolution. Tracey’s legacy includes building the Habu Hotel Ecolodge and the Ark Abusir, working with the College of Psychic Studies, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Society for Psychical Research, Shiroh Tenge, Imagine One Earth with Emoto, Dr Bruce Lipton & Foster Gamble, the Conscious Life Expo, Soul Things and the PSI Science Institute of Japan. She was invited to the United Nations in 2018 for her work on contact and consciousness. Her pilgrimages for contact have captured some of the best film footage in the world.
In 2023, Tracey will lead you into a new era of activation and manifestation in a wisdom legacy she has built since 1999. Her online impact is phenomenal. Tracey refuses low impact spirituality trends. Her legacy of teachings, initiations and activations are transmission-based, scientific and meta-physical. She offers quantum encrypted wisdom legacies for soul retrieval, incarnation and karma clearing, impossible manifestation of existence beyond pain and suffering. As a psychology genius, she identifies cultural, ancestral and deep state programs and technologies that impair spirituality and the capability to transform existence.
Tracey has known since childhood about her wisdom legacy and mission to serve humanity. When one arrives at this level of quantum field wisdom and metaphysics, one is IN intellectual, creative and visionary genius.
Tracey is a solid wisdom keeper of a lineage and legacy of ancient soul knowledge that can be traced from ancient Egypt through to Atlantis. Her knowledge is gateways, time, soul legacy, legitimate contact, consciousness and matrix purification. She is a new era teacher and researcher of many fields of ancient and esoteric knowledge.
Her knowledge and service to humanity is advanced, developed and protected. As a child she remembered. She is a legacy medicine and will initiate and heal you beyond the matrix and illusion.
What does this mean for you?
Tracey is a TimeKeeper, GateKeeper and EarthKeeper. She works with some of the most advanced manifestation capabilities and new era teachings in the world. She lives on the ancient gateways of Egypt. She broadcasts her important wisdom legacy and powers her transmissions through the sacred timelines and grid of our planet. She is holding a quantum time vector that merges as one gateway. This is truly of mind-blowing relevance. She is NOT an ordinary spiritual teacher nor medicine. In your healing, awakening and manifestation protocols and experiences you will feel and experience visions, the loving and miraculous presence of ancestors, beings and architects of human and universal intelligences. You will receive the unique medicine and healing appropriate to your unique journey and your legitimate requests of miracles and manifestation.
You will receive a world-class training and initiation in evolution, healing and service to humanity. She materialises wisdom or miracles unique to your circumstances. In critical soul emergency she will contact, protect and shield your soul. For example, when a young man faced an imminent death in the ICU during the pandemic, her legacy was deployed to communicate his soul choices, shield and protect him. His parents were denied access. Within moments of this soul work a transplant became available and his life was saved.
Tracey Ash lives on the Medinet Habu Temple site and shares the sacred legacies and secrets of the most prolific priests and priestess, kings and queens. In the New Kingdom, tradition meets an unequalled renaissance of previous Golden Age knowledge and dynasty freedoms. Here, even today, soul journey and legacy are sacred, materialised and visible.
Mystery School Egypt
Mystery School Egypt resurrects the critical relevance of soul journeys for greater intelligence and health. Each Mystery School Egypt segment of four segments will explore the soul, not the matrix. Each segment will evaluate, heal, purify and emphasise authentic existence and soul intelligence. Each segment is steered by student enquiry and live questions on the journey of the soul.
Mystery School Egypt is the ONLY online training worldwide directed by a Wisdom Keeper and GateKeeper, a trained metaphysician living on a primary ancient site in Egypt. Tracey’s legacy is ancient Egypt and esoteric sciences, since her existence began.
There are four Quarter Training Segments.
Requirements: Home Study Review, Reading, Implement Rigorous Applied Spiritual Practices, Journal Entries
What to expect:
* Receive miracles, prayers and blessings.
* Receive life-changing activations and sacred transmissions.
* Create intelligent protocols and purification processes for healing, intelligence and empowerment.
* Transmute dense matrix psychology, rebalance control and inequalities for freedom and sovereignty.
* Receive world-class quantum field activation, esoteric education and soul journey initiation.
* Receive world-class earth wisdom and gateways initiation.
* Receive initiation and science on time.
* Receive spirit and contact initiation.
* Receive advanced protection and shielding.
* Receive quantum field and esoteric science-based training.
APRIL 27th - JUNE 29th 2023
EVERY MONDAY 9:00am-10:30am
In the genius of esoteric and quantum field sciences, worlds blindingly unite in dreams, visionary predictions, intellectual discoveries and revelations, that change history and humanity. Somehow genius is not of this world and yet becomes part of it.
This seminar series will educate and initiate you on the source and force of the soul. This series is a quantum field revelation. It is a unique education, initiation and training gateway that leads to greater personal freedoms, sovereignty and intelligence, only found in authentic journeys of the soul.
Through the science of soul journey and time, we awaken revolutionary resources and we impact beyond convention and matrix. From the start of your soul journey into healing and awakening, this is only possible if you are supported by the rare genius and rare miracle of the quantum field. It is not usually found in convention and matrix. This series solves and transforms consciousness and reality disfunction. This series is not assigned with conventional bio-field and wellness education, matrix trappings and protocols. Tracey will be working from sites to deliver revolutionary transformational and evolutionary services.
This is where the unique legacy of Tracey as a GateKeeper and TimeKeeper takes your soul journey to reality revolution. As a GateKeeper and TimeKeeper, she anchors a quantum field of specialist knowledge on consciousness and soul, human origins and pre-history, science and technologies on evolution, new humanity, time and contact.
You will immerse yourself in a world-class quantum-education of ancient gateways and protocols to progress healing, evolution, protection and authentic existence.
Mystery School Egypt
Tracey Ash lives on the Medinet Habu Temple site and shares the sacred legacies and secrets of the most prolific priests and priestesses, kings and queens. In the New Kingdom, tradition meets an unequalled renaissance of previous Golden Age knowledge and dynasty freedoms. Here, even today, soul journey and legacy are sacred, materialised and visible.
Mystery School Egypt is the ONLY online training worldwide directed by a Wisdom Keeper and GateKeeper, a trained metaphysician living on a primary ancient site in Egypt. Tracey’s legacy is ancient Egypt and esoteric sciences, since her existence began.
What to expect:
* Receive miracles, prayers and blessings.
* Receive life-changing activations and sacred transmissions.
* Create intelligent protocols and purification processes for healing, intelligence and empowerment.
* Transmute dense matrix psychology, rebalance control and inequalities for freedom and sovereignty.
* Receive world-class quantum field activation, esoteric education and soul journey initiation.
* Receive world-class earth wisdom and gateways initiation.
* Receive initiation and science on time.
* Receive spirit and contact initiation.
* Receive advanced protection and shielding.
* Receive quantum field and esoteric science-based training.